Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Christian life

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Devotionals on Christian life

In a world of busyness and distraction, it's easy to lose sight of what's important. Jesus reminds us to sit at His feet and listen, as Mary did. In...

Day 24: Working For the Lord

Day 23: Stretch vs. Strain

Day 22: The Sacrifice of Serving

Day 20: Serve Not Be Served

Taking a trip away with friends can bring such joy—connecting with each other and a spiritual focus on God makes the trip even better. The author of...

Day 13: Why Pray?

Through faith, perseverance, and courage, you can navigate life's challenges with hope and resilience. Whether facing setbacks, uncertainties, or...

This impressive young man had made many right choices in his life and he was obviously from a successful, affluent family. Despite all that he was...

Jesus described the chief marker of the Christian life as an attitude that looks out for the interests of the “least of these.” He embodied the self-...


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